Surety Bond Houston

Access Bonding Service, Houston, Texas, provides expert bail bond service, including surety bond Houston. We can help you determine what your best options are when you need assistance with a family member or friend who is locked in jail and needs to be released as soon as possible.

Experts in Surety Bond Houston
After an arrest for a crime in Texas, the accused person is detained by law enforcement officers who transport the person to a city, county or state law enforcement facility for booking. The arrested person will undergo mugshots, fingerprinting and processing for detention in a jail or locked cell unit. The defendant may have several options to be released from detention prior to the completion of the criminal case, one of which may be a surety bond. Once bail is posted, the defendant will receive a future court date and be released from jail.
Generally three release options exist for a defendant in custody:

  1. Surety bond.
  2. Cash bail bond.
  3. Release on one’s own recognizance.

Instead of posting the complete amount of cash bail, a surety bond provides a defendant to enter into a contract guaranteeing the full amount by a Houston surety company, which has enough assets to meet the requirements of the bail amount. The Houston surety bond company guarantees to the court that it will forfeit the full bond amount if a defendant fails to show up for scheduled court proceedings.

Surety Bond Houston - Two people shaking hands over a surety bond deal.

Complete Service for Surety Bonds Houston

Access Bonding Service is a government-approved provider of surety bonds in Houston and Harris County (

Access Bonding Service offers convenient services for surety bonds in the Greater Houston Metropolitan Area.

Once bail is posted, the defendant will receive a future court date and be released from jail.

The Access Bonding Service Difference

Access Bonding Service, established in 1973, provides the most complete, convenient and affordable bail bond service. Get to know the different Access Bonding Service makes:

  • Fast, friendly, courteous customer service.
  • Available 24/7 every day of the year.
  • Fully licensed bail bondsmen.
  • Skilled bail bond agents treat you with civility, consideration and kindness.
  • Immediate service begins as soon as you call.
  • Free information on bail bonds.
  • Ability to meet you at any location, including your home, business, court or jail.
  • Flexible methods of payment.

Contact Us for Surety Bonds Houston

Surety bonds can make the process of releasing your friend or family member from jail much easier. If you cannot immediately gain access to a high amount of a bail bond, Access Bonding Service can provide a surety bond to speed up the process of a quick release from jail. We can clearly explain how the surety bond Houston application works. Contact Access Bonding Service today.